Friday, June 15, 2012

Affordable Acne Treatment That Works? Try Laser Acne Therapy

One of the hardest struggles we go through can be during our teens; this is the time of our lives where our skin can break out with spots and zits. You can treat acne in many different ways and using lasers to treat problem skin is an affordable acne treatment that works. Other ways to treat acne include prescribed topical creams, oral antibiotics or clinical dermatological treatments. A laser treatment takes place in your dermatologist's office. Lasers zone in on the deep part under the skin and penetrate areas where a cream cannot get to, producing lasting effects. You can use lasers to treat acne currently on your face or scars from previous breakouts so the procedure is worth paying a higher price for. Laser treatment can result in some side effects, comparable to any other minor medical treatment; the side effects that are common include mild dryness and temporary redness. These symptoms should not cause too much discomfort during the healing period. Laser treatment is surprisingly simple and effective and there are few precautions to be taken before undergoing the procedure. However, this form of acne management has the potential to cause scarring if done incorrectly and therefore it is important to always receive help from a practising dermatologist at their professional medical office where the proper machines can be utilized. The laser procedure consists of aiming a concentrated beam at zits or acne scars in order to zap bacteria found in the skin that leads to outbreaks. The light gets deep into the skin and reaches deeper levels with short bursts of power so the problem can be fixed at the root and prevented from spreading or reoccurring. If you have had acne outbreaks in the past and now your skin still looks patchy and lumpy you have scars and this situation can be fixed or improved with lasers. This type of therapy is called skin resurfacing and the dermatologist who is treating you uses a smaller, hand-held laser to move over the acne-scarred skin several times in long sweeping movements, eliminating the warped parts of the skin by disintegrating them with the laser's heat and once the procedure is completed the skin is left with a new area to cultivate the growth of new tissue on, resulting in a new surface of the skin which is why this type of acne treatment is called laser resurfacing. It is a current misconception that people with darker skin should not use lasers because the area that has been treated can become lighter. However as long as an experienced dermatologist carries out the skin correcting treatment, any changes in the skin should be unnoticeable. Laser skin therapy can be quite painful and also expensive but skin-numbing cream can be applied before the procedure and it is possible to find an affordable clinic to have your procedure done in by searching online and doing a cost comparison. There are many different types of laser acne treatments for different skin problems and people with unique skin conditions may require extra sessions so it is important to consult with your dermatologist before using a laser to treat your acne. For more information about the acne treatments that work, visit the Best Acne Treatment website. Article Source:

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